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Daily departures from Zagreb to Istrian towns: Pula, Poreč, Rovinj, Labin, Pazin and many others.

Do you travel to Istria?

Whether you travel on regular basis or going on a short trip, weekend getaway or a longer journey, Arriva operates daily services between Zagreb and Istrian towns: Labin, Pazin, Pula, Poreč, Rovinj and many others.

Attention! Numerous discounts and great price deals on this route:

  • 25% discount on return tickets
  • Get an extra 5% discount when booking in Arriva Croatia app

How to travel safely and worry-free?

Check our travel safety tips before the travel so that we can ensure together a safe and worry-free journey.

Why travel with us?

Airconditioned Air-conditioned bus
Confort seats comfortable seats
Free WiFi free WiFi
USB charger power outlets (subject to availability)
Single Return Open return

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